Hey everyone, sorry for my two week hiatus. We are about to move so I've been busy getting all of that in order. I thought I would make a quick post today for Valentine card 6. Today is going to be a fun day over here, I'm taking the hubs to Ikea for the first time. He's never been so I'm looking forward to corrupting him :D
Alright before I get too carried away in my excitement over this move, here is card 6! This card was inspired by a card I had seen on Pinterest, not sure of the actual source or creator to give credit, but this is my take on it...
This card is actually going to be my little sisters birthday card, since her birthday falls just after Valentine's Day. She will be 16! She's very much in love with vampires and the like so I just know she will love this card. She has kept every card I've ever sent her and has them displayed around her room, I'm sure she and her friends will get a kick out of this one.
Well that is the card for today, sorry this post isn't longer, but it's about time I start getting myself and the girls ready. They get to go to Grandma's house today while we go to Ikea.